Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Carol and Bud

I am replying to your letter of the 30th in an orange recycled envelope, with a pretty address at Flagstaff, the hills all iced and the nude trees in front. Very very pretty. Despite the airmail it took 15 days to arrive.


Notes on Mandela
Notes on Xuma
The Long View: The Ndamse Affair, Contact vol 9, no. 1
What Transkei Chiefs voted for: serfdom, rightlessness in "white" areas
Self rule in the Transkei: a monstrous fraud

The Bantu Authorities in Transkei have accepted a constitution, which the Unity Movement is unhappy about; to which this document ensures continued domination of the Transkei by the Republic of South Africa.

Trade union development in the Transkei: a victory for worker initiative and selforganisation
Fighting Talk Volume 16 Number 2 March 1962

Fighting Talk

Transkei Sham

Transkei Sham: statement published in the underground "Inkululeko-Freedom", February 1977, describes the reaction of the ANC to the granting of independence to the Transkei bantustan

Partitioning South Africa: some aspects of the "Bantustan" scheme


30 records found.