Thumbnail Title Description
NEW AGE 1954-1963

New Age, newspaper and its' predecessors, The Guardian; Advance were founded by trade unionists, academics and and was known as a leftist publication. New Age was linked to the African National Congress and its' leadership.

Work In Progress

The context in which the first issue of Work In Progress appeared was one in which the embryonic trade union movement had not yet emerged as a major actor on the scene.

Searchlight South Africa: a Marxist journal of South African Studies

Searchlight South Africa: a Marxist journal of South African Studies was founded by Baruch Hirson from 1988-1993, and to a large extent written by him in collaboration with other exiles and comrades from the revolutionary socialist movement.

South African Labour Bulletin

South African Labour Bulletin is a refereed journal which supports the democratic labour movement in South Africa. It is a forum for analysing, debating and recording the aims and activities of this movement.


Isizwe = The Nation, the journal published by the United Democratic Front to stimulate discussion, debate and training within their ranks, consisted of articles on topics relevant to the national democratic struggle.

Trade union apartheid
6 records found.