Thumbnail Title Description
State strategy and popular response
Report of NUSAS President, October 31,1980

Report by the NUSAS President, 1980. Includes the chosen theme for 1980 of Total Strategy and reports on student support for NUSAS in various campuses around South Africa.

Report of NUSAS President

Report of the President of the National Union of South African Students at the 58th Annual Congress, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 29 November to 4 December 1980.

The new situation on Southern Africa and the position of the oppressed majority in apartheid South Africa

ANC National Executive Committee submission to the Organisation of African Unity for their strategy for the liberation of South Africa.

Consultative Meeting, 29 October 1979 to 30 October 1979, London

Record of a secret meeting between the African National Congress and Inkatha in London, 29th to 30th October, 1979.

Korttermynstrategie vir Angola

Memorandum from the Chief of the South African Defence Force to the Chairman, State Security Council, detailing guidelines for the formulation of a short term total national strategy regarding Angola, including an action plan.

Mastering the art of winning victory
The National Executive Committee of the African National Congress calls on all the people of South Africa
Statement of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the African National Congress (ANC): Lusaka, Zambia, 16 February 1990
The socio-political and economic crisis in the apartheid system

ANC paper on the socio-political and economic crisis in the apartheid system, prepared for the regional and national preparatory committees. Covers the enemy's strategy for survival, the total strategy and its application, and how to out-manoeuvre the enemy.

13 records found.