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Letter from Thabo Mokoaledi to Phyllis Naidoo

Thanks for your latest letter comrade.

Letter from Thabo Mokoaledi to Phyllis Naidoo

Thanks very much for the letter which you sent us with comrade Mosala.

Letter from Thabo Mokoaledi to Phyllis Naidoo

Revolutionary greetings on this day of the South African Freedom Day.

Letter from Nersen to Phyllis Naidoo

How are you doing? How is Suks and the boys? Is Anna well? The family? Are you healing well?

Letter from Monroe to Phyllis Naidoo

Here is a schematic list of memories which are tucked away just behind Ferns and my cerebrums – (the chronology gets blurred but the love is always there):

Letter from Miss April to Phyllis Naidoo

Would  like to inform you that there will be a General Studies Lecture tomorrow.

Letter from Edith to Phyllis Naidoo

We were all glad to receive your most interesting letter, dated 10th March, which has been read by many friends and the family.

Letter from a friend to Phyllis Naidoo

Many times I have liked write letters to you------ but my English is for me an handicap. I would like to speak, when I began to write, I meet many difficulties.

Peter Mckenzie Brown
Gandhi as he appeared at the beginning of the struggle in 1906

Black and white print 20.2 x 25.9cm

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Mark

I read your obituary to Sandy - Jacobsen - I did not know her surname. A DIMUNITIVE LADY. I had not planned to say that in capital letters, but there it is - she was too. You said you were cousins. I hug you closely.

Letter from Gabriela to Phyllis Naidoo

I'd like to tank you for the wonderful and inspiring two month I had the opportunity to stay with you. Thank you for your warm welcoming and for being allowed to participate in your life for this short period.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Giesalla

I hope I have spelt your name correctly. If not please correct.It is sometime since I had your address from ,Jenny but I wanted to enclose the photograph of your lovely roses. I have not had them, developed (photo) as yet.

Letter from Jack Simons to Phyllis Naidoo

The Macmillan Press & Clarke ' S Bookshop Take Pleasure In Inviting You To Honor The Memory Of Jack Simons At The Launch Of His Book Struggles In Southern Africa For Survival And Equality

Letter from Irene and Ron to Phyllis Naidoo

Isn't it amazing how very close you can feel - how you can absolutely love someone who you have never met?!! If only we could meet some day -- but I can't see it ever happening. It's just great, then, that we can continue to feel such complete understanding, anyway.

Letter from Cheick Oumar Sissoko to Phyllis Naidoo

It was a great honor to have met you finally.

Rights struggle to go under spotlight

PACKAGING THE PAST: Preparing for an exhibition at Technikon Natal Art Gallery, aimed at honoring ordinary people who took part in the struggle for Human Rights, are (from left) artist Lukas van Vuuren, Mr Sunny Singh, Mrs Frances van Melsen, gallery curator Keith Hill and Mr Rogers Ragaven, assi

Letter from Sarah to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you so much for the photos you sent - here are some in return! So much to say - where to start? I had a good trip to Swaziland - no problems although I returned to UK trailing some slight stomach bug!

Letter from Kate and Brian to Phyllis Naidoo

Your heart must be breaking. That you find the strength to go on is a statement to you inner resources. You have lived out your idealism, turned anger and frustration into very concerted action, being the support and the shield of so many.

Letter from Sheila to Phyllis Naidoo

Many Thanks for the picture of my children and your expressions of pride, pain and solidarity. So much sadness has passed our way over the years. 


123 records found.