Sketches & Scrapbooks

Thumbnail Title Description
Little Man

Portrait of an elf like man.

High Ranked Lady

Abstract scene of well dressed high ranked lady.


Color portrait of an Officer.

Field Officer

Abstract scene of of a field officer meeting up with forst rangers.


Abstract of two young men playing combat in the field.

"In town"

Color abstract of two well dressed ladies meeting in town.

"Bus Conductor"

Color portrait of a bus conducter in uniform.

"Maths Teacher"

Abstract scene of a Maths teacher in class with his kids.

"Well dressed lady"

Color portrait of well dressed European lady.

"A Jocky and a Horse"

Abstract scene of a horse kicking the Jockey out of his stable.

"A Jockey"

Portrait of a horse Jockey.

"Jockey and the Horse"

Abstract scene/ cartoon of a jockey talking to a horse while the other one is looking at tehm shocked.

"Circus Performers:

Abstract scene of circus performers.

"Circus Performer"

Abstract of a female circus performer dressed in a big dress.

'Catching a Crab"

Abstract of sailors fishing in a boat and caught a crab instead of a fish. The captain is amused while the sailors look terrified.

"Circus:Monkey business"

Abstract scene of monkeys doing some tricks at a circus.

"Circus Performer"

Color portrait of a performer in a circus. 


Abstract scene of a female performer.


Color abstract of a performer waering a shrimp costumes.

"A Magician"

Color portrait of a Magician. 


492 records found.