Sketches & Scrapbooks

Thumbnail Title Description
Women Fashion

Abstract scene of a well dressed lady displaying some fashion sense while smoking a cigarette.

"Lady Campbell

Portrait of Lady Campbell.

"Lady Campbell"

Abstract scene of Lady Campbell at His Majesty's Osborne palace,


Abstract scene of a sherrif riding his horse.


Abstract scene of a jockey being dropped by his new horse.

"Prepare to Dismount"

Abstract scene of a jockey training a new horse. 


Abstract scene of Mallets.


Abstract scene of two Polo players upset over their loss in the game.

"Jesus riding a Donkey"

Abstract scene where Jesus rode the Donkey. 

"Gramer's Court"

Abstract scene of C.O. Cork's mansion named Gramar's Court.

"Joe Kinsale"

Abstract scene of Joe Kinsale enjoying an ocean view.

"Pearl gates of Heaven"

Abstract scene of gates representing the pearl gates of heaven.

"Horse Racing"

Abstract scene of a jockey riding his horse during a horse racing show.

"At the Durban July"

Abstract scene of a well dressed lady at the Durban July.

"Jockey Boots"

Abstract sceen of jockey fashion.

"Rabbi & his Horse"

Abstract scene of Rabbi riding on his horse.

'Ye Jockey"

Portrait of a jockey holding a switch.

"Young Officer"

Portrait of young officer in his full uniform.


Abstract scene of a worried big man.


Portrait of a Rabbi.


492 records found.