
Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Maggie

Thank you for your letter of the 19th October, reached me today. I could not make out your writing at the back of the envelope asking for my phone number. The 19th October is the 11th anniversary of Machel's murder, and the 14th anniversary of Maurice Bishop's assassination.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Luke

Thank you for your letter of the 27th October, reached me today. The 19th October is the 11th anniversary of Machel's murder, and the 14th anniversary of Maurice Bishop's assassination. My calenders are marked with the monthly anniversaries of both my sons.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Benji

Stella about the time you returned from West Africa sent me a list of the videos with a note saying heres the list. There was no address. Where these videos are I don't know except that I gave them to you.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Shiraj

I was wading through some papers and came across Friends of Phyllis Network. Your name was on it. What are you doing in Canada? Why have you not written to me ? Is it a deliberate act. Doesn't our friendship require an explanation.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Rebecca

You have been in my thoughts and every time I look for your address I find it has been steamed out. Why, Who I don't know. But today rummaging I found your address and Shiraz Ramji in Network of Phyllis's friends - you know the abortive trip to the states.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Ameen Akhalwaya

I heard a little while ago that you were seriously ill. Then I saw and heard you with Cape Town bid. You were in Switzerland. Then I read in the Sowetan that you were ill again. Whatever is the matter?

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Friends

I am pleased that you wrote to me but the news it conveyed saddens me. Thumba Pillay sent a message through his daughter who was here on holiday that MJ had died but Patrick's death came as news. I do remember both MJ and Patrick with affection. When I was in S.A.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Mana Chetty

On Saturday 2nd August, Mrs Dhansa Father called saying that she had a letter from you and arranged to deliver it that same day. Just before 5pm she came in and delivered your note of the 20/7/97 together with 100 pounds.

Letter from Esther to Phyllis Naidoo

Its over 2 months ago that You've wrote to me about Sahdhan's death. What would have been his 36th birthday. I must apologize for not writing earlier but I've been away.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Dr Zietsman

I have been waiting to be to1d whether Sha was awarded the certificate/Diploma/degree for the work he did on release from hospital. Did he satisfy requirements or didn't he ? I am not sure why this is taking time. Can we put paid to this matter.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Gwen and Frank

Well here in subtropical Durban, the papers raved that Spring had arrived yesterday. Produce some photos of  flowers daffodils, tulips etc to prove it.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Walleen

Your letter of the 17/1/96 reached me today. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE IN 1997. Certainly you will not go home on the 31/1/96. You might be weighted down by your stomach but make sure that you don't loose time(year). Your cheques will all bounce.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Maggie

Please note my address. I've lost the box now that I am not practicing Law. This is my home and you are welcome as always to visit, to share a cup of coffee. I cannot recall whose detention I wrote to you about. I have been waiting to publish short stories on where are they now?

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to The Cosby family

The news that your family has suffered the assassination of your 28 year old son ENIS is very painful.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to The Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Irene Gale of P.O.Box 51, Kensington Park, S.A 5068, Australia has written to me to inquire if any progress has been made with regard to her inquiry about the death of her husband Jim Gale. Dear Irene, I reread your letter written to Frank Chicane, and Nelson written to the TRC above.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Judy

The shelf to my left has a parcel that Father Casa was to bring to you in Bulawayo when he was there two weeks ago. I had some sweets for Dad and Mum and another letter for Rabbi Ben. Casa found out that Ben has since gone to Johannesburg. Where? Bully for him. I hope he is happy being home.

Mothers day card from Sha to Phyllis dated 14/5/72

Mothers day card from Sha to Phyllis dated 14/05/72

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Sha dated 9th November 1979

Letter from Phyllis to Sha dates 9th November 1979.

Letter to Frank and Gwen from Sha dated 8th March 1972

Letter from Sha to Frank and Gwen dated 8th March 1972

Letter from Sha to Frank and Gwen dated 12th February 1972

Letter from Sha to Frank and Gwen dated 12 February 1972.


182 records found.