Thumbnail Title Description
Editorial comment: The anvil and the hammer
Address to members of Umkhonto we Sizwe
Critical remarks of the question of the terror tactic
Chris Hani
No surrender
Only the future belongs to us
Some thoughts for today
The struggle for peace and justice lives on
Phansi ngeLabour Law
The biggest ever
The struggle so far
The State's emergency - not even tanks and troops can break our spirit
Editorial: Apartheid in crisis
Submit or fight
What is Cosatu?
Onverwacht: Ethnic Control, paper Presented at National Conference 1981

Onverwacht: Ethnic Control- paper presented at National Conference on 15 March 1981 discussing relocations, forced removals, homelands, migrant labour, living conditions, resistance.

Alexandra: Paper Presented at National Conference 1986

Alexandra: Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1986 discussing housing conditions, violence, protests, police violence, State of Emergency, occupation of township by troops, use of lethal force by government.

Mass Resistance in the Eastern Cape: Paper Presented at National Conference 1986

Mass Resistance in the Eastern Cape: Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1986 discussing State of Emergency, bannings of meetings and organisations, resistance, rent boycotts, police and army brutality and torture, consumer boycotts, reform.

Introduction to the National Security Management System: Paper Presented at National Conference 1987

Introduction to the National Security Management System: Paper Presented at National Conference on 13 March 1987 discussing State Security Council, Information scandal, propaganda, militarisation, structure of National Security management.


517 records found.