Thumbnail Title Description
Gandhi in Pretoria

In 1894 Gandhi helped found the Natal Indian Congress, to unify local Indians into a political force, and became the first secretary.  In September of the same year, Gandhi became the first Indian to be enrolled as an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Natal. 

Civil Rights News Letter, Vol. XV No. 4 Issued 18 April 1968
Dr. A. M. Moola
Dr. A. M. Moola
Dr. A. M. Moola
Dr. A. M. Moola
Alan Paton interview. "I don't see a way out of our present political dilemma but I am not prepared to say there isn't one..."

Black and white print 15 x 20cm

Civil Rights News Letter, Vol. XII No. 10 Issued 21 October 1965
Civil Rights News Letter, November 1958
Letter from Edith to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you for y ours of 4 inst.,just received. First, I want to ask you, is it best to send to your old PO Box 1291, or c/o Legal Aid Office, POB 402 ? I am sending this to PO Box 402 & hope OK.?

Memorandum on Civic Status

The world is asking of its peoples how best to organize and govern in the interests of all recognizing that I only by serving the interests of all can peace and security be established.......

Memorandum on the subject of the Indian Problem in Natal

This Delegation is from the Durban Joint Wards Committee,  which said Committee comprises representatives from each of the Municipal Wards and Burgesses Associations of the City of Durban, and was specially appointed to deal with the Natal Indian Problem. Its objects are:

Memorandum presented by the Newcastle Ratepayers Association to the Broome Commission

Vol.71 File 527(13) N 2715

The Union of South Africa have accepted the fact that the Indians in South Africa are part of the permanent population of the country....



Rights struggle to go under spotlight

PACKAGING THE PAST: Preparing for an exhibition at Technikon Natal Art Gallery, aimed at honoring ordinary people who took part in the struggle for Human Rights, are (from left) artist Lukas van Vuuren, Mr Sunny Singh, Mrs Frances van Melsen, gallery curator Keith Hill and Mr Rogers Ragaven, assi

Indians in South Africa

Race, political, labour, sugar plantations, slave labour, Indian market, social culture, treatment, segregation

Notes on Plaatje

The non-White peoples in the Union of South Africa suffer :numerous disabilities, social, economic and political, which reduce them to conditions of virtual servitude.


In South Africa a number of distinct systems of value operate within one broad political framework, and the control of power in all spheres politics, wealth, education, entertainment- is vested in the Europeans. Generally speaking the Non-Europeans, Africans, Indians and …

Arts and Africa: BBC African Service, no. 199
Political Trials: Communist Party Trials, Contact vol 9, no, 6


84 records found.