Thumbnail Title Description
Political conflict
What does freedom mean, does it matter anyway? Opening Address to the Black Sash National Conference held at Durban, 1989

Opening Address by National President Mary Burton at the Black Sash National Conference held at Durban on 2 March 1989, discussing: Liberation, press freedom, detentions, militarisation, detentions, capital punishment, political trials, legislation, labour and poverty.

South Africa in Crisis: paper presented at the Black Sash National Conference at Pietermaritzburg

South Africa in Crisis: paper presented at the Black Sash National Conference at Pietermaritzburg on 20 October 1964.

Witness jailed in first Ciskei terror trial
ANC three sentenced to death in Pretoria trial
Perjury charge in long Mpetha trial
Heavy sentences for refusing to testify
Spy testifies against Fine
ANC appeal to be heard next month
Editorial: Ka-Ngwane and Ingwavuma
Detention and Evidence
Court Monitoring Report Cape Western Region: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1990

Court Monitoring Report Cape Western Region: Report Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 3 March 1990 discussing political trials, police action, public violence, terrorism trials, claims against Minister of Law and Order, other cases.

Editorial: Another Nail in Everyone's Coffin?
Rainbow Trial Plea
Editorial: Breytenbach and Nusas
Liberal Opinion/Reality

Liberal Opinion (1961-1968) was published by the Liberal Party of South Africa which was established in 1953 by Alan Paton, after the National Government had won its second General Election.

ANC Policy: Racial Harmony

Policy statement by the African National Congress (ANC), prepared by Defense attorneys for guidance of Counsel in State vs Mandela and others in the trial known as the Rivonia Trial.

Court sentences on Delmas three are another blow to legal protest


80 records found.