
Thumbnail Title Description
Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Alex Tetteh-Lartey introduced artists and music from Gambia. The exhibition of contemporary Gambian artists took place in the capital, Banjul. Toni Sise, Secretary General of the Club that organized the exhibition explained to Baboucar Gaye all.

Letter from Dorothy to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Dorothy to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

Gandhi Settlement Phoenix

Room inside the Sarvodaya

Letter from Susan to Phyllis Naidoo

I thought I would enclose a few newspaper articles from here which may have different information or perspective then you get.

Letter from Nash to Phyllis Naidoo

You mean so much to Monroe and are such a good friend to Fern and Monroe that I want to write and tell you of my appreciation. You took our place at their wedding, which make us very proud.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Anto and Rodney

I cannot in all honesty pin down all your kindness to me. Its the window, its the steak roll, its the curtains, its a visit to the home under construction etc etc. The list is endless. To say that I am grateful will be a gross understatement.

Letter from Sukhthi to Phyllis Naidoo

Funny you should mention sunflowers - as just a couple of weeks ago. I threw seeds all over the gardenĀ  - and they've started sprouting. I'll send you pictures when they bloom. Garden is getting better although now with winter coming we'll loose all the the green.

Letter from Bud to Phyllis Naidoo

Nearly four weeks since i left Durban - after a great visit. Thanks so very much! i hope your two weeks in Jo-burg went well and that you are back in your routine of writing.

Letter from Zelmys to Phyllis Naidoo

It was a great pleasure to meet you in Cuba. These are the pictures that my father made specially for you three.

Letter from Alan Paton to James Currey
11 records found.