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Metal workers dissatisfied with industrial council wage increases

Disatisfaction with this year's industrial council wage agreement has already led to strikes at two Transvaal companies and another one could be on the way as metal workers attempt to win a better wage increase at plant-level.

CWIU climbs back at Sasol

Ever since the agreement with Sasol in March this year, the Chemical Workers Industrial Union has been working hard to rebuild and strengthen organisation at the Sasol plants and Sasol mines.

Durban's bread strike

Huddled in cardboard boxes to keep out the cold, some 800 workers at the B B Bread Bakery in Durban's Sydney Road kept up their night-long vigil to prevent the company sneaking in scabs.

Praise poem to FOSATU
Petrol bombs hit unionists' homes

Petrol bombs were thrown at the homes of two VW full time shop stewards in the early hours of Monday July 30. VW branch chairman John Gomomo told FOSATU Worker News that he had woken up at about two because his baby had been coughing.

The making of the working class: Part 8 - 1907-1922 white workers revolt

The years 1907 to 1922 were a time of violent conflict between workers and capitalists on the Rand.

British coal strike enters fifth month

As Britain's coal reserves begin to dwindle, the strike by hundreds of thousands of coal miners has begun to swing in their favour and victory could be on the horizon.

Coal not dole!: an exclusive interview with a British miner

We reckon there are about 130 production workers in regularly. This would mean about 1 500 to 2 000 per week is being produced, compared to a normal production of about 15 000 to 20 000 tons.

Boycott - FOSATU and other unions put their muscle behind a country-wide consumer boycott

FOSATU together with the Food and Canning Workers Union, the Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union, the General Workers Union, the Cape Town Municipal Workers Association and the National Union of Mineworkers have decided to put their weight behind a national consumer boycott in protest at

Sarmcol: the biggest campaign ever

The Metal and Allied Workers Union's B T R Sarmcol campaign is by far the largest campaign over a single factory ever undertaken by an independent union in this country.

Overseas news

This letter was sent by the union members at the Atlas Copco plant in Sweden. MAWU is organising at Atlas Copco in Benoni near Johannesburg.

FOSATU 1980 - the worker movement grows
Leather workers victory
Long bitter struggle at Frame has ended

The longest recognition struggle in South African labour history has come to an end. Nearly 2 000 National Union of Textile Worker members at the giant Frametex mill, the heart of the Frame complex at New Germany near Pinetown, now have the right to be represented by their union.

30 000 in KwaThema funeral march

Fifteen coffins were carried in a mass procession of over 30 000 people to the graveyard in the Springs township of KwaThema on July 23.

Sharpeville: March 21, 1960

In 1960 before that terrible day of March 21 some workers resigned from work because they were preparing for that day.

Only workers can directly challenge the capitalists

Workers around the world understood that if they joined together in groups and demanded better conditions and more pay, the owners of the factories would have to listen to them.

Working on the mines is no picnic!

During the first six months of this year, more than 100 000 miners have taken strike action over wages, bad and unsafe working conditions and the harassment of shaft stewards.

The right to strike
Brown Lung pay out


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