Thumbnail Title Description
Durban resident

Durban residents at the opening of the Town Hall

Durban Orchestra

Durban Orchestra

Graduation Ceremony

Durban, City Hall, Graduation Ceremony

Durban Sir Benjamin

Durban , Sir Benjamin

Durban Cricket Club

Durban Cricket Club (Unidentified )

Durban Borough police force

Durban Borough police force, Indian Division

Durban Borough police force

Durban Borough police force ( from left to right) : Sgts Bond, Simpkins and Grant.

Escombe, Harry

Escombe, Harry 1838- 1899

Durnford Breveted, Antony William

Durnford, Breveted, Antony Williams 1830-1879

Duncan, Sir Patrick

Duncan, Sir Patrick, 1870-1943

Dunn, John Robert

Dunn John Roberts depicts head and shoulders

Dunn, John Robert

Dunn, John Robert, 1833-1895 surrounded by his chiefs

Duncan, Lady alice Dora Amanda

Duncan, Lady Alice Dora Amanda, 1893-1948

Colenso John William

Colenso John Willian, bishop of Natal

Colenso John William

Colenso John William, Bishop of Natal , 1814-1883

Colenso John William

Colenso John William, bishop of natal

Colenso John William

Colenso John William

Colenso John William

Colenso John William bishop of natal with Colenso John Eric .

Colenso John William

Colenso,John William , depicted seated in clerical dress

Colenso John William

Colenso, John William, Bishop of Natal, 1814-1883with Harriette Emily Colenso, !849- 1932.


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