Thumbnail Title Description
Hela Hela valley

Various scenes of a group of people around the Nissan 1400 of KCAL staff member Y. Winters while questioning girls going to an Imibondo.

Hela Hela valley

Varoius scenes of a lorry with girls climbing up to go to an imibondo.

Hela Hela valley

 Variouscences of lorry with girls of both the amajongosi and amaqhikiza age -groups climbing up in order to go to a imibondo.

Hela Hela valley

 Various scenes of a lorry with girls of both the Amajongosi and Amaqhikizaage group climbing up in order togo to imibondo or gift giving of s girl to her boyfried family.

Kimberley Steet scene

 Parade in the street


 view of the town

Brand Johnes Hendricks

 Review of the burghers

Brand Johnes Hendricks

 Review of the burghers

West street

 depicting single and double story buildings

West street

 Row of building one with chimey

West street

 South side of the West street near Gardiner Street

West street

 Depicting an imposing double story building featurin arches

West street

 Depict double story building and oxwagons

West street

 In foreground sandy street

West street

 Depicting in foreground a sandy stretch of street

West street

 Depicting buildings shops with sandy road

West street

 West street looking west from gardner street

West street

 West street looking east from field street

West srteet $ field street corner

 Depicting Darys store and lamp post


2865 records found.