Peter Brown

Thumbnail Title Description
Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Illich in Lesotho

Black and white print 13.3 x 8.4

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Dr Manas Buthelezi

Black and white print 12.6 x 8.8

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Illich in Lesotho

Black and white print 13.2 x 8.4

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Dr Mangosuthu Buthelezi

Black and white print 123.6 x 8.8

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Black learners in their classroom

Black and white print 11.5 x 8.4

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Young woman standing next to a corrugated iron shack

Printed image 12 x 8.4

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Bulfontein school now derelict three years after it was closed

Printed image 11.9 x 17.8

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Soldier in camouflage holding a rifle

Printed image 20.9 x 14.3

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: A pre-election Robert Mugabe meeting in Zimbabwe

Black and white 

Cover of Reality, May 1980

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Man in hospital

Black and white print 21.6 x 16.1

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: UDF rally, Pietermaritzburg

Black and white print 20.1 x 25.3

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Impi style march

Black and white print 20.1 x 25.3

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Military parade, International Day, Johannesburg

Black and white print 20.1 x 25.3

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: President P W Botha delivering a speech

Black and white print 20 x 25.3

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Chief Buthelezi

Black and white print 14 x 17.9

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Rev K Hallowes

Cover of Reality, November 1974 and on p5

Black and white print 15.5 x 21.2

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Cover of book by Albert Nolan 'God in South Africa'

Black and white print 16.9 x 9.9

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: US Presidential Adviser, Henry Kissinger

Black and white print 6.7 x 5.7

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: House on fire

Black and white print 15.4 x 21.2

Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Young boy playing ball in a street for cover of Reality

Cover of Reality, October 1979

Black and white print 16.2 x 11.4


1579 records found.