Pencil & Wash

Thumbnail Title Description
Hottentot Woman: Grahams 'town (B)

Color portrait of Hottentot woman.


Color portrait of an Indian Man in Cape Town.

Hottentot Family

Color scene of a Hottentot Family.

Hottentot Woman: Algoa Bay (B)

Color portrait of a Woman in Algoa Bay.

Hottentot Wagon Driver (B)

Color portrait of a Hottentot wagon driver in Algoa Bay.

Hottentot Woman: Algoa Bay

Color portrait of a Hottentot Woman from Algoa Bay.

Hottentot Woman: Algoa Bay

Color portrait of a Hottentot Woman from Algoa Bay.

"Kaffir Woman"

Color portrait of an African woman from Grahams town.

Fingo Sheperd Boy

Color portrait of a Fingo Sheperd Boy, in Algoa Bay, Cape Town.

Fingo Woman from Algoa Bay (B)

Color portrait of a Fingo woman in Cape Town.

10 records found.