Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from the President: Africa unites against tyranny! Migration: Blame crime on criminals, not foreigners

Letter from the President: Africa unites against tyranny!
Migration: Blame crime on criminals, not foreigners

Youth Vision, 2000

"Youth Action Towards the African Century!"

Statement by Malusi Gigaba, ANC Youth League President, on the Vision of the ANCYL at the Parktonian Hotel on February 7th, 2000......


In the words of Comrade President O,R. Tambo: "A country, a movement, a people,......

Legitimacy and Statistics: A Critical Analysis of the First Tri-cameral Parliamentary Elections, August 1984

South African Labour and Develpoment Research Unit

ANC Youth league consolidated Programme of Action, 2000-2001

Youth Action towards the African Century

The SACP Johannesburg district night school pilot project

Short notes on the establishment of the SACP Johannesburg district night school projects

Address on the role and future of NUSAS

Address given by John Daniel at a National Union of South African seminar on the future of the Union. Includes analysis of the student scene in South Africa and an assessment of the current position of the National Union of South African Students.

Key to student strength is to organise and consolidate

Organising and consolidating the student movement is the main task facing Azaso in the coming year

One year of an unbanned ANC: the road ahead

State of the nation unauthoured paper assessing the African National Congress one year after it was unbanned.

Draft resolution: Commission on Development, ANC National Conference, Durban, July, 1991

Draft resolution of the Commission on Development at the African National Congress National Conference in Durban, 2-6 July, 1991. Defines development, examines a developmental approach and engaging with progressive development actors.

Report of a meeting with Prof. Willem Kleynhans

Handwritten report of a meeting between representatives of the African National Congress and Professor Willem Kleynhans of the University of South Africa to discuss the professor's concern about the ANC's lack of organisational skills for the process of elections and for becoming a fully fledged

Western Cape Region - Regional Conference: Problems and challenges of the Western Cape

Report by Reg September on the problems and challenges of the Western Cape, presented to the African National Congress Western Cape Region Conference, 29 and 30 September, 1990. Covers history of the ANC in the Western Cape Region.

Report of Sub-Committee on problems of the Congress Movement

Report of a meeting of a sub-committee of the ANC National Executive Committee. Meeting held to propose new machinery, examine finances, request London comrades to explain the idea of a Council of War and examine and summarise a memorandum received from the London office.

NUSAS reconstruction

Report consisting of three NUSAS Commission reports. The first one is called Commission of NUSAS reconstruction, followed by Commission of SASO publications, and an article entitled Race and Economics in South Africa.

Build unity, defy apartheid
Organise and defeat repression
The Black Conciousness Movement, Black People's Convention: External Office

One of the major decisions taken by the BPC was the establishment of an external office .This became necessary because of the growing number of exiles belonging to the Black People's Convention.

Problems in the organisation of the ANC
Organisation: the only weapon
African workers and trade unions


42 records found.