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Peter Brown - Obituary
Obituary of Rev. Seth Mokitimi
Letter to Mrs Dorrie Paton from J Millie
Letter from T B Frost to Peter Brown
Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Rhonda

Attention Rhonda please find obituary of Sahdhan love Phyllis.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Rev Walker

My friend in the USA sent me your leaflet celebrating the victory Cuba in 1996 and celebrating the children of Cuba in 1997. Can you believe that even in a democratic SA we did not hear about the blockade of your caravan, We did not know of the fast. How are the 5 who fasted. We salute them.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Maggie

Thank you for your letter of the 19th October, reached me today. I could not make out your writing at the back of the envelope asking for my phone number. The 19th October is the 11th anniversary of Machel's murder, and the 14th anniversary of Maurice Bishop's assassination.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Luke

Thank you for your letter of the 27th October, reached me today. The 19th October is the 11th anniversary of Machel's murder, and the 14th anniversary of Maurice Bishop's assassination. My calenders are marked with the monthly anniversaries of both my sons.

Funeral Programme

Funeral Programme

Civil Rights League Newsletter, Vol 40 No.3 August 1993
Batandwa Ndondo
Adieu to a 'particular kind of liberal': Obituary: Peter Brown
Adieu to a 'particular kind of liberal', Obituary: Peter Brown
13 records found.