Thumbnail Title Description
Non-Violence in the 21st Century: Challenges and Choices

The greatest challenge in promoting nonviolence is the English language and its limitations. The next is our perception, rooted for centuries, that violence is the only way we can resolve our problems......

Nonviolence & Us

Modem society is plagued by violence  at home, at work, in the streets, in schools. In fact anywhere there is, unfortunately, the distinct likelihood of violence

Become a supporter of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

What was true then is true now. In the same spirit of humility as M.K. Gandhi we express our concern for the continuation and development of our programs and the......

The New African: Volume 4, Number 1, March 1965
Exploding non-violence


The New African: Volume 1, Number 3, March 1962
Non-Violence and the Challenge to Apartheid
Emergency Convocation of Churches in South Africa: package of preparation material

The Emergency Convocation of Churches in South Africa was decided upon to work on and develop effective non-violent actions to pressure the government to the negotiation table and for the church to refuse to collaborate with an unjust system.

Liberals Reject Violence
Peoples' Power: Can it Happen in S.A.?
Gandhi the Lawyer
The Transvaal Gandhii Centenary Council
Make Peace
Duality in Non-Violence
Challenge to the church: a theological comment on the political crisis in South Africa

Pamphlet about theological comments on the political crisis in South Africa. It consists of a critique of State theology, critique of Church theology, prophetic theology and a challenge to action.

An initial response to the Kairos Document

This is a pamphlet about publicising the Kairos document on November 1985.

Memorandum to Emma Mashinini from Sheena Duncan

This is a memorandum to Emma Mashinini from Sheena Duncan regarding training programme for trainers in non-violent action conflict management, June 13, 1988.

Lesotho Conference on non-violence direct action

Memorandum regarding the Lesotho Conference of non-violence direct action. It was set up by Transformation of Resource Centre in Maseru and held at Roma University. Included is a memorandum entitled Standing for the Truth - the call of the Church leaders' Convocation

Letter from Emma Mashinini

Letter from Emma Mashinini to Dear friends regarding a training programme for Standing for the Truth Campaign, March 20, 1989.

Emergency convocation of churches in South Africa

This journal article is about the emergence convocation of churches in South Africa which was held in Johannesburg on 30-31 May, in order to outline a plan of effective non-violence campaign.


56 records found.