Thumbnail Title Description
Freedom - New Series Vol 1 No 8 Special 194 Conference Issue
The History of Apartheid in South Africa.
National Party Election Phamplet
Tri Cameral Parliament cuttings
Programme of Principles of the "The United South African National Party"



Politics South Africa - 1994 to 1998
Geography & Social Justice

In the middle of the 1980s South Africa's governing National Party still adhered to the policy of apartheid, or racial separation. But by the beginning
of the 1990s those same rulers were proclaiming a new society characterized......

The Causes of Transition in South Africa

South Africa and transition from authoritarian rule


Mr Swigelaar at a fuction in Verulam

50th Anniversary function in Verulam

Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Botha at a function

February 19 was a gala day for the Indian community of the Eastern Transvaal town of Piet Retief when the Prime Minister, the Honourable Mr. P. W. Botha, opened the town's Indian Primary School.

Letter from Alex King to Alan Paton
Towards a New Order
The Great Betrayal
Kyk hoe lyk ons nou
Look at us now - thirty years after
Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Taro Nakayama

Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Taro Nakayama regarding the election of the new State President in South Africa

United Democratic Front challenges PW Botha on opening of parliament

United Democratic Front challenges PW Botha on opening of parliament

What are the United Democratic Front would like to see in 1988

Statement made by the United Democratic Front regarding their plans for 1988 to set firmly down the road for negotiation and peace.

Address at the opening of the ANC Conference at Arusha, 1 December 1987

Address by Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere of Chama Cha Mapinduzi, at the opening of the African National Congress (ANC) Conference in Arusha, 1 December 1987. Covers the struggle in South Africa, international support, abolition of the National Party, and the armed struggle.

Address by State President F W de Klerk, DMS, at the opening of the second session of the ninth Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, Friday 2 February 1990

Address by the State President F W de Klerk, at the opening of the second session of the ninth Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, Friday, 2 February 1990. Deals with foreign relations, human rights, the death penalty, socio-economic aspects, the economy, and negotiation.


121 records found.