Natal Indian Congress

Thumbnail Titlesort ascending Description
Minutes of a meeting of the Natal Indian Congress Executive Committee held on the 10 February 1948
Minutes of a meeting of the Natal Indian Congress Executive Committee held on the 6th May 1947


Minutes of a meeting of the N.I.C. Executive Committee held on the 4th February 1947

Natal Indian Congress Minutes dated 4th February 1947

Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the N.I.C. held on the 21st January 1947

Discussion with the representatives from Merebank Branch - 21 January 1947

Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Committee of the N.I.C. dated 7th January 1947

Minutes of N.I.C. meeting....

Sydenham Expropriation, Report from Aid to China Sub-Committee.....

Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee held on the 4th March 1947

Minutes of the N.I.C. - 4th March 1947

Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee held on the 18th and 25th February 1947

Minutes of the N.I.C. dated 18th and 25th February 1947

Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee held on the 11th February 1947

N.I.C. miutes dated iith February 1947

Minutes and reports of the A.N.C., N.I.C. and T.I.C.
  • Minutes of the Natal Indian Congress Meeting of the Executive dated 25 March 1947
  • Report of Joimt meeting between the ANC NIC and TIC dated 23 March 1947


Memos to Mr G H Calpin on Social Services

Soial Services

Memorandun submitted to the Group Areas Board

Proposals for Areas in central Durban........

Memorandum submitted to the submitted by the department of Education
Memorandum submitted to the Department of Education

Joint Committee representing Durban Inidan Municipal Employess Society.....

Memorandum submitted to JC Smuts

N.I.C. memorandum

Memorandum Submitted by the NIC to Marshal JC Smuts


Memorandum submitted by the NIC to JC Smuts no. 23 and 26 1944
Memorandum submitted by the Natal Indian Congress to JC Smuts

Natal Indian Congress memorandum

Memorandum Submitted by the N.I.C. - 8 to 10 Feb 1946

N.I.C. documents

Memorandum on Indian Education in Natal

The Natal Indian Congress, the National Organisation of the Indian People.....

Memorandum on Education

An enquiry into the measure of social advancement made by the Indian community in Natal should employ for its standard of judgement the enlightened principle s of social progress embodied in the "Uplift Clause" of the Cape Town Agreement (1927).


373 records found.