Thumbnail Title Description
From the beginning life is hard in Southern Africa
Letter from Gretha, Boetjie, Keith, Bernie, Enge and Neil to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Gretha, Boetjie, Keith, Bernie, Enge and Neil to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Mike and Marianne to Phyllis Naidoo

It’s bitterly cold here with heavy frost for the sixth day.

A group of workers at a mine, possibly New Primrose Mine, Transvaal


Handwritten note on the back of the photograph (probably by the archivist who sorted the collection):

"? New Primrose Mine, Tvl"


Stamped on the back of the photograph:

Kimberly mines

Kimberly Mines

Transvaal Mines

Transvaal mines

Transvaal mines

"Traansvaal" mines

A matter of landscape

Facts of the Rhodesian situation before Commonwealth leaders.

Chapter ten: Black labour
Interview: a miner
Labour trends: 9 September to 3 November
Now is the time for safety stewards
Strikes and disputes
1986 Mine wage talks end
NUM and the mining industry
Press statement

Statement written by Nelson Mandela and requested Murphy Morobe on behalf of the National Reception Committee to release it to the media.

Chamber of mines must negotiate

Press statement from Albetina Sisulu about the negotiations that chamber of mines must take.

Mine turmoil
NUM goes underground
Mines, Masters and Migrants - Life in a Namibian Compound


144 records found.