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Letter from Wayne to Phyllis Naidoo

I just got home and find your letters, thanks. Thanks also for putting in “smiling”, because I am now!! Except that I am sad because I miss you so much.

Letter from Susan to Phyllis Naidoo

I thought I would enclose a few newspaper articles from here which may have different information or perspective then you get.

Letter from Sivi to Phyllis Naidoo

Hope you approve of the dimensions of this paper. I thought I should rather use the then available paper, instead of delaying the writing of my last letter to you, no share to fashion.

Letter from Sivi to Phyllis Naidoo

It seems such a long time since I have heard from you and I do miss your letters.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

It was great to have a stack of letters waiting when I returned. I was a little too ambitious in my travel plans. It was not that fast traveling around Mozambique.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

Your letters seem to be slower than others, no wonder. Hope the flu has passes by now.

Letter from Ray to Sukhthi Naidoo

Thank you so much for your letter of 17th August received on the 28th August. I enjoyed reading your letter, thanks for sharing with me moments of your life.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

I cannot tell you how disappointed I was that we could not land in Maseru last Saturday 27th. We were to go on Monday 29th but the plane would not go. A friend is coming from UK on Monday to leave for CT on Tuesday.

Letter from Kathy to Phyllis Naidoo

Fern and Monroe arrived rather tired and drawn looking. Especially Fern looked as though she had had a hard time meeting all the Gilmours. You can imagine that it would be difficult! Right now they are in Goshens which is about 15 miles from our house.

Letter from Norah and George to Phyllis Naidoo

I am ashamed of the length of time that has passed since last I wrote to you, but time really pass these days. It is not that we do not think of you, for every morning I pray for you, the Mandela's and other who suffers under apartheid.

Letter from Monroe to Phyllis Naidoo

Thanks so much for the interesting report of your family weekend together. Sounds like a riot! I was so glad to hear that your mother could come. How is her health? Where did you keep all of them when they were in Maseru? You mentioned a borrowed house in relationship to a lost pen.

Letter from Kathy to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and wonderful description of the wonderful 19 July event. It was such a wonderful description that I felt like we were right there! I just appreciate so much the time and effort that you took to give me your unique account of the happenings.

Letter from Kaka to Phyllis Naidoo

From the hospital, where I have been since 4/5/80. I become very emotional when I receive letters from loved ones and your loving letters of the 12thhas shattered me more than you realise. 

Letter from Gwen and Frank to Phyllis Naidoo

How are you and all your friends? We hope that the injuries you received when you when you received the parcel bomb are healing and hope your eardrum is now better. We are enclosing a tea towel from a tiny seaside village in Norfolk.

Letter from Jeannie to Phyllis Naidoo

I am terribly embarrassed in one of my occasional bouts with cleaning, I have uncovered your last letter, dated (gasp) March. Where did April and may go? To atone for my sins, I’m sending you this collector’s item, maybe you can sell it for enormous sums in a few years.


Letter from Frederick to Phyllis Naidoo

Although I’m very glad Rhonda was transferred to our office in Nairobi, I had one regret and that was that I would be losing my contact with you. Anyhow, I will always be grateful for the chance of meeting you, and I hope my travels will bring me again to Lesotho while you are still there.

Letter from Cynthia to Phyllis Naidoo

I hope usaphila there at Maseru. Thina lapha sisaphila. I got yours last week o Friday 30/5, we were busy preparing to go to Nshongweni Pilgrimage. I sometimes attend their big celebrations, and they surely get pleased.

Letter from Josephine to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you very much for your loving letter which came yesterday. But don't, I'm staying here - I came for life and I'm not going anywhere, except to visit Sr Camilla in Kimberley Nov. 9 - Dec. 1.

The Bombing of Mr. Thembi Hani's Car : Article from Lesotho Weekly Newspaper.

The remains of a car belonging to Mr. Thembi Hani a South African refugee who lives at Lower Seoli in the outskirts of Maseru. The car was destroyed by a bomb at about 2.45 a.m. last Wednesday Shortly, after the blast, a man was found sprawled next to the wrecked, car.

Letter from Ari to Phyllis Naidoo

Sorry for the delay, but here it goes: I think that firstly, each character/activist revolutionary described needs more content and definition. I understand your point that how well do we know anyone in our lives.


109 records found.