Marianhill 1900-8

Thumbnail Title Description
Marianhill Album

Gathering of Zulu males, full dress (possibly a festive occasion)

Marianhill Album

Witchdoctor  (Sangoma) consulting with patient

Marianhill Album

Zulu youth crossing drift in the river

Marianhill Album

Unmarried Zulu girls (centre girl making sleeping matt)

Marianhill Albbum

Zulu Homestead

Marianhill Album

Crossing a drift above a waterfall

Marianhill Album

Zulu dancers at festivity

Marianhill Album

Zulu homestead

Marianhill Album

Zulu homestead

Marianhill Album

Group of Zulu headmen

Marianhill Album

Chief Lokothwayo and his 2 brothers

Zulu men drinking Zulu beer

Group of Zulu at beer drink

Marianhill Album

Threshing Amabele

Marianhill Album

Zulu females working in the fields, hoeing 

Marianhill Album

Zulu men plowing 

Marianhill Album

Thembu girl resting with head rest

Marianhill Album

A young woman could be Xhosa or Sotho

Marianhill Album

Original Marianhill print labelled Swazi Man

Marianhill Album

Girl from around Ixopo 

Marianhill Album

Group of early Zulu policemen 


80 records found.