
Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Desree to Phyllis Naidoo

Just a short note to say hello, it’s 8.30 am and I’m waiting to go to the Post Office to send off Ben’s letter to you, so I thought I’d add a note.

Letter from Cynthia to Phyllis Naidoo

I got yours about three weeks ago. I meant to reply early but I couldn’t since I did not know what to start with.

Letter from Bill to Phyllis Naidoo

I have not met Jackson but I will investigate. He is not the head of the new Institute of Labour Studies, in fact I don’t think a director has yet been appointed.

Letter from Bert and Lil to Phyllis Naidoo

Thanks for letter of the 24th October. Well, Reagan is in, but personally, I don’t think it makes much difference as the real rulers are the same people behind the throne.

Letter from Canon L John Collins to Phyllis Naidoo

Your letter of 13th May was awaiting me on my return from holiday.

Letter from a friend to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you for the personal letter much awaited by me. The contents makes ones heart weep.

Portrait of Alan Paton by Peter Leftwich painted in London 1952 at the time of the premier of Cry, the Beloved Country

Digital, oil painting, Foyer of the Alan Paton Centre

Map of Natal and Kaffraria drawn and engraved by J Rapkin John Tullis and Co, London and New York

Digital, framed print, Paton Study

Letter from Barney Pityana to Phyllis Naidoo

Just a note to say hi we are still very well. I hope you are very well and happy in Lesotho. Occasionally we get news of you whenever one of Maseru sisters writes.

Alan Paton on the steps of the Comet on hs return to Johannesburg after a ten week stay in London to collect material for his biography on J H Hofmeyr

Black and white print 15 x 21cm

Alan Paton on the set of his play Mkhumbane, opening night, 1960

Black and white print 18 x 25cm

Biko House - London
Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

Spoke to Rhonda on the telephone and learnt a great deal from her. Have not received yet the papers from her, will ask a comrade to collect it from her for me.

Letter from Norah and George to Phyllis Naidoo

I am ashamed of the length of time that has passed since last I wrote to you, but time really pass these days. It is not that we do not think of you, for every morning I pray for you, the Mandela's and other who suffers under apartheid.

Letter from Lynda to Phyllis Naidoo

It was really nice to hear from you. Piers and I have been feeling pretty isolated in Southampton, so you letter was especially welcome.

Letter from Kristina Wickstrom to Phyllis Naidoo

About five years ago a man in R.S.A., Samson John Nene, was adopted by my group of _Amnesty International as a "prisoner of conscience". He was "banned" and had earlier spent ten years on Robben Island. He was arrested again in November 1975, alleged to be a member or supporter of ANC.

Letter from Gwen and Frank to Phyllis Naidoo

How are you and all your friends? We hope that the injuries you received when you when you received the parcel bomb are healing and hope your eardrum is now better. We are enclosing a tea towel from a tiny seaside village in Norfolk.

Letter from Edith to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you for y ours of 4 inst.,just received. First, I want to ask you, is it best to send to your old PO Box 1291, or c/o Legal Aid Office, POB 402 ? I am sending this to PO Box 402 & hope OK.?

Letter from Dorothy to Phyllis Naidoo

I was delighted to receive your letter of 29th April. The pamphlet is being sent under separate cover. I hope you keep well; no doubt, you are still very busy. 

Letter from Charles to Phyllis Naidoo

I visited professor Simons (Jack and Ray) yesterday and was so very, very sorry to learn that I had missed you by a few days! 


153 records found.