
Thumbnail Title Description
"Cobli Co. Cork"

Black and white scene of a town with cars parked outside the buildings.

The Presbyterian Church at St Andrews Square

Brown and white scene of the Presbyterian Church at the St Andrews Square.

'Bobs: Frederick Sleigh'

Colored portrait of Sir Frederick Sleigh known as Bobs, posing for the Vanity Fair Magazine.

'Prince Impesial'

Colorful scene of the search and findings of  the body of Prince Impesial in 1879.

'Verolume Shipbuilding Yard'

Black and white scene of an industrial area, with a shed, Crane and a forest in the background.

The Old Malting House

Black and white abstract of the Malting house.

The Mother of Grace

Black and white scene of a ceremony with people gathered outside a Royal Palace, a Queen can seen riding on a horse.

Adaiel Warriors

Colored abstract of the Adaiel Warriors in their regalia.

Harow School

Black and white abstract of Harow School, view taken from the South West side.

'Usbec Tartars'

Black and white scene of two Royal figured on a journey.

' A White Negro female'

Black and white portrait of a white negro female posing.

Government House in Cape Town

Black and white scene of a government house in Cape Town behind trees.

'Cape of Good Hope'

Black and white scene of the Cape Town Table Mountain.

" Joyful spirits"

Polychratic abstract of an African dance around the fire in a grass hut.

"The Old Theatre: Hottentot Square"

Black and white lithograph scene of the Old Theatre; Hottentot Square in Cape Town.

"The Wesley Chapel: Cape Town"

Black and white lithograph scene of the Wesley Chapel in Cape Town.

"St Andrews Church & The Old Town House"

Black and whithe lithograph scene of the St Andrews Church and the Old Town House in Cape Town.

Hottentot Entertainment

Black and white abstract of Hottentots singing and dancing.

Photograph of a Lithograph by Day and Son Lithographers to the Queen

Black and white print 25.4 x 15.5cm

19 records found.