Thumbnail Title Description
The voice of freedom

Extract from a story.

The poet and crisis

Black writers in America and Africa are approaching the point where their emotional sensibilities and their physical involvement is being transmitted with tremendous clarity and acuteness.

Escape to freedom

Fictional story.

The New African: Volume 8, Number 2, 1969
The laws of the forest

Short story translated from the French.

Poets of Lesotho

First steps of a brief incursion into Sesotho literature.

The New African: Volume 5, Number 10, December 1966
The New African: Volume 5, Number 9, November 1966
Books and the Arts

Book reviews.

De Gaulle and the night visitors

The second of this series of translations from the French.

Without a breath or a murmur

Translated from the French.

The case of the twins

Collingwood August's translation of the Xhosa classic "Ityala lamaWele".

The Dakar festival

Editorial on The Dakar Festival, Frontier and South African Unity Moves.

Night of freedom

Fictional story.

A few days and nights

This pre-publication extract (Chapter 1) from an important Camerounian first novel sets a scene which reverses the roles of the French and African lovers in Cyprian Ekwensi's "Night of freedom".

Document and imagination

The novel, Africa's only totally imported literary form, has moved from flat bald statement to imaginative experiment.

The old man

Fictional story.

The case of the twins

Collingwood August's translation of the Xhosa classic "Ityala lamaWele".

The exile


The case of the twins

Collingwood August's translation of the Xhosa classic "Ityala lamaWele".


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