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Letter from Susan to Phyllis Naidoo and Suks

I supposed you’ve heard about our election and the depressing results.

Letter from Susan to Phyllis Naidoo and Sukhthi

I hope that you have some good news, by now, of your brother/uncle and that he is free.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

I was so glad to receive your letter on Monday. So many weeks without hearing from you had me worried.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

Thanks for the letter. It brightened my day a lot. Good news! You have not seen the last of me.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

The magic of human friendship, their surprises, is for me, life’s greatest wonder.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

It is finished, Reagan really got a clear consensus. I am really afraid of what that will mean for you.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

Thanks for the letter of the 14th and the telegram. What a joy to hear that all is well.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

I received your letter today and it was so upsetting. I could see you sitting unladylike at the desk in pain.

Letter from Rebecca to Phyllis Naidoo

At last I am in Akron, at a typewriter, with free personal time as yet unclaimed; an exceedingly rare combination of factors!

Letter from Rebecca to Phyllis Naidoo

LESOTHO -- hearty farewells, many kind expressions of love and friendship, a few tears but basically a joyous take-off on Friday morning June 6, 1980.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo and Sukhthi

Hello again! How aye my two favorite comrades these days?

Letter from Nellie to Phyllis Naidoo

How good of you to keep writing when I am so hardly with my replies.

Letter from Kathy to Phyllis Naidoo

Im so sorry it has been so long since I've sent you a line . I wanted to do some work on clothing for Sha before I wrote , and I'm finding that I will need more definite sizes to be able to get anything for him.

Letter from Kathy to Phyllis Naidoo

I guess you are wondering whether we got lost. Well we are still here, summer has changed our schedules. The children are home from school for 3 months.

Letter from Kathy to Phyllis Naidoo

I know that this is not a good time for you. With Fern and Monroe off, and Ron gone, and Dev in prison.

Letter from Joan to Phyllis Naidoo

We received your letters and also the cheque for Rajen's Blazer. I shall be spending the money on Saturday morning.

Letter from Helen to Phyllis Naidoo

Hey Phyl – so good to hear from you at last but I’m mad at you for not coming this way and for not getting in touch when you were in Europe!!!

Letter from Gill to Phyllis Naidoo

We were surprised and pleased to hear from you two days ago.

Letter from Flora to Phyllis Naidoo

Yesterday late about 8p.m Mr Mgalitye was here at my place.

Letter from Fiona Mike Jernny Oliver and Tim to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you very much for your letters and card for Tim’s birthday.


243 records found.