
Thumbnail Title Description
Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Arts and Africa had the pleasure of speaking with Afewerk Tekle, Ethiopia's outstanding and internationally acclaimed artist, who was givin the honourary title Maitre Artiste returned home to Addis Ababa from a tour of the United States where he was raising funds for famine relief in Ethiopia.

Arts and Africa

An English artist goes to Malawi and a Malawian artist comes to Britain. Witness Kay Chiromo, a painter from Malawi lectures in fine art at the University of Malawi.

Arts and Africa: BBC African Service, no. 486G
Peter Brown/Reality Collection: Jazz concert with Hugh Masakela

Black and white print 13 x 23.4

 Reality, September 1982 p9

Durban's Red Hot Jazz Pirates
Arts and Africa: BBC African Service, no. 205
6 records found.