
Thumbnail Title Description
Letter From Rich and Ammila. to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter From Rich and Ammila to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Ray and Jack to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Ray and Jack to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letters from Jack and Ray to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letters from Jack and Ray to Phyllis Naidoo.

Personal notes by Phyllis Naidoo

Personal notes by Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Ray and Jack

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Ray and Jack

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Jen to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Jen to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Francis, Robin & Judy

Two bombs in Maseru and a Ministers home attacked is the news this evening .

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo and Jack to Alma, Indres, Braam and Shaida

I arrived here on Friday at 7pm but was finally cleared & left the airp ort at l0 pm.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

How are you and Suks.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

It was good being with you and Suks.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo and Sukhthi

Thank you for your letter dd 10th October, received last week.

Letter from a friend to Phyllis Naidoo

How are you and Sakhthi? Am very anxious about your silence – wrote two letters sent – but no response from you.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

I cannot tell you how disappointed I was that we could not land in Maseru last Saturday 27th. We were to go on Monday 29th but the plane would not go. A friend is coming from UK on Monday to leave for CT on Tuesday.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

We both of us are so glad that you were so welcomed and back at your job, Jack said of course such a capable, efficient knowledgeable person could not be replaced by anyone also.

Letter from Charles to Phyllis Naidoo

I visited professor Simons (Jack and Ray) yesterday and was so very, very sorry to learn that I had missed you by a few days! 

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Ray

Your letter of the 10/10 is under reply. Your writing is getting awful - you must be in a lot of pain. I hope you are feeling better. You seemed to be so much in pain. I hope you are by now healed nad more comfortable.

Letter from Alan Paton to Jack

Letter from Alan Paton to Jack

Letter from Jack to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Jack to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Paton to Jack
20 records found.