Isiah Shembe

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Isaiah Shembe 1870-1935, founder and first leader of the Nazareth Baptist Church or Shembe Church

Isaiah Shembe 1870-1935, founder and first leader of the Nazareth Baptist Church or Shembe Church

Shembe with  the children at Ekuphakameni

Shembe with  the children at Ekuphakameni

Shembe with the children at Ekuphakameni

Shembe riding on a horse with children at Ekuphakameni

Isiah Shembe washing congregants' feet "Working of feet"

Isiah Shembe washing congregants' feet "Working of feet"

Isiah Shembe washing congregants' feet "Working of feet"

Isiah Shembe washing congregants' feet "Working of feet"

Isaiah Shembe (1865-1935) founded the Nazareth Baptist Church popularly known as KwaShembe.

Isaiah Shembe (1865-1935) founded the Nazareth Baptist Church popularly known as KwaShembe. The church became the first amongst the Zulus to be founded 'with the quest to restore the Zulu to their glorious past' (Masondo 2004: 69-79).

Isiah Isaiah Shembe (1865-1935) founded the Nazareth Baptist Church popularly known as KwaShembe.

Isaiah Shembe (1865-1935) founded the Nazareth Baptist Church popularly known as KwaShembe. The church became the first amongst the Zulus to be founded 'with the quest to restore the Zulu to their glorious past' (Masondo 2004: 69-79).

7 records found.