Thumbnail Title Description
Through the cross: the South African church's painful path to victory

Interview with Frank Chikane as General Secretary of the South African Council of Churches

At the apocalypse: the South African Church claims its hope - an interview

Interview with Allan Boesak about the role of South African churches, in particular the Dutch Reformed Church, in the struggle for democracy

Keeper of the keys

This is an interview with Desmond Tutu held in October 1989 about leadership and vision of peace.

Interview with Joe Slovo by Keith Coleman

An interview with Joe Slovo by Keith Coleman on economic policies. July 1, 1990.

United Democratic Front: Last Beleaguered Hope

Interview with Azhar Cachalia who is the National Treasurer of the United Democratic Front where he mentioned that they honestly believe that the United Democratic Front must be the last possible hope for a relatively peaceful transformation to democracy in this country

Interview with the NUSAS President, Neville Curtis - the new NUSAS

Text of interview by Varsity, a University of Cape Town student newspaper, with Neville Curtis, President of NUSAS. Subjects covered include recent Congress of the National Union of South African Students, its new constitution and other student organisations.

How June 16 demo was planned

This is an interview with Lebello Matapanyane, describing the events and political developments leading to the new upsurge, and explaining how the militant youth see the future shape of political struggle.

Soweto student speaks out: interview with Nkosazana Dlamini

Nkosozana Dlamini, vice-president of SASO, and member of the ANC, was in her fifth year of medical school when the June 16th uprising began. She was torn between finishing her medical training to become a doctor or continue abroad with political activity against the apartheid government.

The voice of South Africa's young generation: go underground and organise

New African talks to Tebello Motapanyane, Secretary-General of the banned South African Students Movement.

Excerpts from long interview given by President O R Tambo to Associated Press correspondent, Mr Nicky Hanks on 7th June 1980 in Lusaka

Excerpts from long interview given by President O R Tambo to Associated Press correspondent, Mr Nicky Hanks on 7th June, 1980 in Lusaka. Discusses actions of Gatsha Buthelezi and his stance on school boycotts, malnutrition in South Africa and the Bantustan programme.

Interview with members of the Street Committees

Interview with members of Street Committees. Soweto has 26 townships and 25 of them have established Street Committees and are all functioning well.The interview covers the street meetings, maintanance order and rent boycotts.

We are leading a class struggle to create a new man
Interview with four sacked Tidwell workers
Profile in this second interview with Fosatu Worker Office Bearers
Profile of a worker leader

The FOSATU Worker News here kicks off with the first of a series of interviews with FOSATU's worker leaders.

The "people`s judge"
Fear and loathing in Crossroads
Probing the mind of white SA
United action is the key
The guns and the explosions will speak even if the mass media is silent - and will be heard by the people


221 records found.