Indian penetration

Thumbnail Title Description
Extract from Minutes of the City Council (Meeting held on 21.9.42)

Th!lt in reply to this enq uity whether any good pl,!rpose would be served by the submissiou, to the Lawrence Committee of the petition received by him in respect of an alleged Indian penetration at 317 Avondale Road, Durban, the Principal Immigration Officer be 'informed that it is the opinion o

Memorandum submitted to the Right Honourable the Prime Minister by the Durban Joint Committee on the subject of the Indian Problem in Natal

Memorandum submitted to the Right Honourable the Prime Minister by the Durban Joint Committee on the subject of the Indian Problem in Natal

Town Clerks Memorandum for Council in Committee. Asiatic land Tenure Act : Proposed Amendment of Chapter 1

Town Clerks Memorandum for Council in Committee. Asiatic land Tenure Act : Proposed Amendment of Chapter 1.


203 records found.