Indian Occupational Control Ordinance

Thumbnail Title Description
Notes for his Worship the Mayor on the The Indian Question in Durban as at 15/2/45

The Residential Property Regulation Ordinance No. 21/1944 Natal which controls the transfer of the occupation of dwellings from Europeans to Indians.....

The Deputation from the Natal Indian Congress

Waited on the Prime Minister in his room. The Prime Minister received the Deputation at 11am. There were present beside the Prime Minister: Senator C F Clarkson, Minister of .......

Residential Property Regulation Ordinance Report

In the unavoidable absence of the President the Sub-Committee wa presided over by the Vice President and the were present.....

Memorandum for Council-In-Committee. Draft Residential Property Regulation Ordinance

The attached memorandum covering a copy of the Draft Residential Regulation Ordinance No. 20/1944 and the amendments thereto as suggested by the Executive Committee....

Notes on the Residential Property Regulation Ordinance

Since a copy of the Residential Property Regulation Ordinance, 1944 as brought up by the Select Committee, became available to me....

Emergency meeting of the Executive committee

In consultation with the major towns of the province the President has summoned an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee to deal with legislation coming before the Provincial Council during the next few days.


106 records found.