Indian National Congress

Thumbnail Title Description
Struggle for Freedom

The failure of the 'Quit India' movement and the collapse of the outbreak of 1942 practically marked the end of the heroic fight for freedom in India under the leadership of the Congress and revolutionary leaders.

A Man called Mahatma (Gandhi)

The saintly image put forth in book and filmmost recently in this year's Academy Award-winning epic-obscures the moral person the Mahatma
truly was: a man often troubled by contradictory and bizarre impulses who was al'so a leader of great visi6n and charismatic courage.....

Councillor Ismail
Sir William Wedderburn

Sir William Wedderburn, 4th Baronet, JP DL was a Scottish civil servant and politician who was a Liberal Party member of Parliament. Wedderburn was one of the founding members of the Indian National Congress. He was also the president of Congress in 1889 and 1910......

Ameeroodin Fajandar

Ameeroodin Fajandar a Transvaal delegate to Indian National Congress

South Africa and the British Taxpayer

The question of Ulster at present occupies the public mind almost exclusively, but there is really a much larger question which menaces Imperial interests and cannot be ignored: one , moreover which must find a more prominent place in tho political future of the Empire as time advances.

Supplement to Indian Opinion

There is no doubt that our deputation to India have rendered yeoman services to our cause.

Letter from George E Haynes to Alan Paton
8 records found.