Indian Council

Thumbnail Title Description
SAIC Elections - 4th November 1981

South African Indian Council

South African Indian Council Elections

South African Indian Council elections press cuttings

South African Indian Congress Constitution

SAIC Constitution

Names, addresses - members of the third statutory South African Indian Council

Members of the South African Indian Congress

Names, addresses - members of the third statutory South African Indian Council

List of names and Addresses

My Answer to the Anti- S.A.I.C newsletter - Search your conscience after reading this by A.Rajbansi

People in many countries used the system in their struggles after experiencing the folly in boycotting platforms provided by the authorities.

My Answer to the Anti- S.A.I.C newsletter - Search your conscience after reading this by A.Rajbansi

People in many countries used the system in their struggles after experiencing the folly in boycotting platforms provided by the authorities

A Representative Indian Council


Peoples Unity official newsletter of the anti-South African Indian Council committee Natal 20 Sep 1981 no1

Official Newsletter of the Anti-SAIC Council

South African Indian Council special subjects newspaper cuttings 1 file

Newspaper articles on the South African Indian Council

First fully elected South African Indian Council newspaper cuttings

Newspaper cuttings on the South African Indian Council

First fully elected South African Indian Council newspaper cuttings file1

Anti-South African Indian Council newspaper cuttings

Anti-South African Indian Council newspaper cuttings

Newspaper articles on the Anti-South African Indian Council


133 records found.