
Thumbnail Title Description
Bandhu Bahhori - emigration pass - permit - certificate of discharge - etc

Permits for Bundhu

The Natal Mercury Indian Education

In this they perhaps recognised the strongest guarantee against mental stagnation and perpetual economic subservience. In this they also recognised the most important instrument by which they......

Biography of Avasthi Family, Aswathi Kalideen

There is considerable literature on "Indians in South Africa." The conditions of service, the promises made but not kept, the ill - treatment.......

Indian Opinion No, 33 Nol. XXVI Fri 24th Aug 1928

Why buy from the middle-men, buy direct from the manfacturers and see what you save. Our prices are lowest on the market. Our specialities are Jubes, Half-penny line sweets and Colonial mixtures. All sweets guaranteed......

The socio economic conditions of indentured and ex-indentured Indians and their struggle for political freedom 1860-1914
Interview with Mr Sam Chetty
The Zululand Sore: Migrant Sugar-Estate Labour in Natal, 1914-1939
Labour pains in Natal
The aims and scope of the study
Indian Agriculture

Survey of Indians in SA-Ms articles prepared by staff  of UDW 1964 re:employment opportunities, educational Guidance, statistics, job reservations etc 1964

Historical background on Indian Community
The role of the Indian in Natal economy
Anglo-Boer War Articles
Statement prepared by the Natal Indian Congress to the Education Inquiry Commission

The Chairman and members of the Education Inquiry Commission.....

Hindu Thirukootam Association

Thirukootam Anniversary in 1912

Temple Committee

Settler Temple Committee

Indentured Indians in Natal

a vivid description of the history of Indian South Africans and how they came as indentured labour to the British Colony of Natal between 1860 and 1911.

English in language shift : the history, structure, and sociolinguistics of South African Indian English

Rajend Mesthrie examines the rise of a new variety of English among Indian migrant workers indentured on the plantations of Natal in South Africa. Considering the historical background to, and linguistic consequences of, language shift in an immigrant context, he …

The Indian South Africans : a contemporary profile

The Contribution of the Indians to the South African Economy


161 records found.