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Aboobaker Amod

THE expressions "financial success" and "financial failure" will no doubt be accepted as denoting the ignition centres which separately set the commercial world a-working or render it defunct.

Labour pains in Natal
Statement prepared by the Natal Indian Congress to the Education Inquiry Commission

The Chairman and members of the Education Inquiry Commission.....

A Documentary History of Indian South Africans

Transcriptions of documents relating to the civil rights struggle of Indians in South Africa from 1860-1982.

Setting down roots : Indian migrants in South Africa, 1860-1911

From the early 1860s until 1911 thousands of Indians were recruited to work on the ...

Mass meeting

Mass meeting at Point Protest against further Indentured Immigration  addressed by Harry Escombe

Certificate of Domicile Colony of Natal

The Colony of Natal was a British colony in south-eastern Africa. It was proclaimed a British colony on 4 May 1843 after the British government had annexed the ...

Bombay's Protest Meeting against Asiatic Bill

THE ASIATIC BILL PROTEST MEETING IN BOMBAY Years of Humiliation Inflicted on Indians Bombay, January In. —A public meeting was held to-night with the ...

Mass meeting

Indentured Indian immigration was introduced by the colonial government of Natal ...

Letter from Howard and Vera to Phyllis Naidoo

I am enclosing a cheque for three pounds for the children in good time for Christmas.

Civil Rights News Letter, Vol. XXI No.9 Issued 21 November 1974
Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Gabriela

Your letter dated 23/11/97, posted in Capetown on the 25/11 at a cost of R12.50 arrived here today the 2/12/97. That is what is called PRIORITY post. It seems it arrived in Durban on the 29/11 and was given the number 616 and the card was in my box today.

A Protest against The Asiatic Segregation Bill of The Government of Union of South Africa

Asiatic, Segregation, Class Areas Bill, Areas Reservation Bill, Immigration

The Indians in South Africa

South Africa herself belongs rightly to the West. It was from the countries of Europe that her early settlers came, yet it is significant that she first attracted public attention as a possible half-way house between East and West.

Indians in South Africa

The Eastern seaboard of Africa has been the happy hunting ground of Indian traders who control the local markets so effectually that to them, it is no exaggeration to say, is due the unemployment, now almost as general amongst the whites in Africa as it is in Europe.Had Indian activities been con

The Indian Question in South Africa and the Round Table Conference

The Round Table Conference held at Cape Town in December and January last to consider what is commonly termed the Indian question in South Africa, with a view to arriving.

Report of Council-In-Committee

During August, 1925, this Committee appointed a Sub-Committee for the purpose of carefully considering and reporting on the Areas Reservation and Immigration and Registration (Further Provisions) Bill, and we now set out hereunder the report of the Sub-Committee together with its recommendations

Natal Indian Congress Indian Penetration Commission

The Provincial Administration under cover of the letter dated the 16th instant has forwarded for the assent of his Royal Highness the Governor General under Section 90 of the South Africa Act and Ordinance.....

Memorandum to the members of the Indian and Pakistan delegations attending the Preliminary discussions with the Government of the South Africa

There are so many forces bearing upon race relations all over the world that one of the greatest dangers to a local problem is to move it from its context on to the world stage where often happens that it is lost or submerged in the larger issues....

A Century of Indian Achievement in S.A.

Newspaper articles on "A Century of Indian Achievement in S.A".


38 records found.