Thumbnail Title Description
Hostel war: searching for an alternative to hell
Hostel war: organise - or die
The Black Sash Natal Coastal Region Advice Office Annual Report Presented at National Conference 1981

Natal Coastal Region Advice Office Annual Report Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1981 discussing case statistics, case histories, pensions, Unemployment Insurance Fund, housing, hostels, legal work.

City of Port Elizabeth: Report by Town Clerk to the Native Affairs Committee

City of Port Elizabeth Town Town Clerk's Report to the Native Affairs Committee reporting on the need for financial aid; the establishment of a Native Labour Bureau and other issues.

Single men's hostels, part of the Cape Town housing schemes

Photograph showing a group of men sitting in one of the men's hostels common room, part of Cape Town's housing scheme.

Single men's hostels, Cape Town

Photograph showing two men sitting in one of the single men's hostels, Cape Town.

Nyanga east men's hostel: the condition of migrant workers

Pamphlet about the Nyanga East Men's Hostel Association and their struggle for better living conditions

Away with slavery - let's take control
"Liberated hostels" in Witbank
Stop the killing
If the bosses won't abolish hostels, we will
Workers under siege on the mines
Western Cape Men`s Hostel Association
Promises, promises
Hostels not fit for pigs
Company imporives workers` hostels
The Black students' message to their beloved parents

This circular, written by the Soweto Students Representative Council, condemns the Black education system and the conditions of migrant labourers living in hostels.

Hostel dwellers organise for better living conditions


39 records found.