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The politics of poverty

In the 1998 parliamentary debate on reconci I iation and nation-bui I ding, then deputy president Thabo Mbeki famously argued that South Africa comprised two 'nations' divided by poverty:

The Reichstag fire
The Reprieval of Natal "Blackspots"
The role of capitalism in South African history
The role of capitalism in South African History: the destruction of tribal society
The secret of profit uncovered
The South African Fellowship of Reconciliation: a short history

This is a journal article about the short history of the South African Fellowship of Reconciliation.

The Soweto Uprising and the Development of Liberatory Ideas

Lecture by Wycliffe M Tsotsi, Vice-President, Unity Movement of South Africa, on the Soweto Uprising and the history of the liberation struggle.

The story of the Coloured vote and the myth of "Cape liberalism"
The struggle for trade unions

When workers come together and decide to form an organisation to help them at their work, this organisation is called a trade union. But, as we will see it is not always easy to form trade unions, and workers have had a very long struggle to do so.

The Study of Southern African Precolonial History: "Bantustan Propaganda"?
The theory of the South African revolution
The Transkei tragedy: (A study in the Bantu Authorities Act)
The two moralities

Inquiries into the circumstances which produced the attitude of rejection.

The two moralities

In motive and direction, the mental and physical "treks" of our African and White forefathers were opposites.

The two moralities

Non-racial African unity, based on humanism and the new cultural amalgam, develops in opposition to tribalism and the Whites' morality of survival.

The Union Of South Africa

The Union of South Africa is composed of the four provinces of the Cape, the Transvaal, the Orange Free State and Natal. Together they have about one-third the area of India........

The Wiser Review: No 1, July 2004

A series of essays compiled by Wiser, University of Witwatersrand

The writings of HF Fynn: history, myth or fiction? and Importing Metropolitan Post-colonials
Theoria: a journal of studies in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences No.13 1959


371 records found.