Higher education

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Redefining Merit

Monograph No. 2: Redefining Merit explodes as myth the common understanding that a person's merit for a particular job is based on a neutral assessment of their ability to perform the work.......


Affirmative action into the '90s : discussion paper

This Discussion Paper is a very important part of the process of review.

ANC Today Vol 10 No 4 5 to 11 Feb 2010
Lessons from the Field: A Decade of Democracy

Lessons from the Field: A Decade of Democracy was a project of the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA). supported by Ihe Ford Foundation.

Mr A Ramsamy Rector of ML Sultan Technikon 1981

Mr A Ramsamy former Rector of ML Sultan Technikon

Mr JB Patel Member of Council of ML Sultan and SAIC 1981

Council member of M L Sultan Technikon College

Aerial view of ML Sultan Technikon

Aerial view of the ML Sultan Technikon

ML Sultan

ML Sultan - Founder of the ML Sultan Technikon

The Indian Question in South Africa and the Round Table Conference

The Round Table Conference held at Cape Town in December and January last to consider what is commonly termed the Indian question in South Africa, with a view to arriving.

A Study of Affirmative action and employment equity in higher Institutions in KwaZulu-Natal

The fact that the composition of staff in Higher Education institutions fails to reflect the demographic realities of South Africa and that Black people and women are still severely underrepresented, especially in senior academic and management positions, provided a compelling motivation for this

Higher education - key to Indian progress (In The Indian South African)

This paper has attempted to prove that the key to the economic salvation of the Indian in South Africa lies in his greater participation in higher education. In 1964, there were 48,000 White students in the various universities in South Africa (full-time and part-time) representing over 1.

11 records found.