
Thumbnail Title Description
Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This program talks about the importance of preserving Africa's musical heritage.

Mapungubwe Museums
ANC Today Volume 5, No. 11 . 18-24 March 2005

Letter from the President: Human rights, black aspirations and white fears
Human Rights: Honouring the ANC's human rights heritage
The Sociology of the Public Discourse in Democratic South Africa / Part X: A vitoria e gerta!

The Zululand Explorer

There are few places in Africa that rival the diversity of experiences and adventu on offer to the 'Explorer' in Zululand......

Religio-Cultural Dynamics of the San and Their Influence on Zulu Religion and Culture

There are numerous heritage-tourism artifacts and creative talent in the Ugu region enabling the place to serve as a heritage-tourism destiny......

Heritage Tourism Potential in the Ugu Region: A Project

The purpose of this investigation is to identify the tourism potential of the Ugu Region in terms of historical and cultural sites as well as natural resources, in order to establish a sustainable tourism package that will benefit the people living in the area.

History of KZN Natal Zulus - Traditional Zulu File

Compared to the northern parts of KwaZulu-Natal with their battlefields and nature reserves and the enhancement of the Midlands, the southern area of the province has not developed as far as tourism is concerned. There are, however, areas that could be ear-marked for tourism development.

Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Speakers the the function from (L-R), Ina Cronje, Thina Siwendu and Dolly Khumalo

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Catherine Woeber at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Slide presentation at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Al Diesel attending the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Audience attending the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Yvonne Spain asking a question at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Audience listening to Thina Siwendu at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Tea time at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Tea time at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Tea time at the function

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Glen Flanagan (left) and Ina Cronje

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Heritage Day: "Our women, our heritage": celebrating 10 years of democracy: Glen Flanagan (left) and Ina Cronje

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47 records found.