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Memorandum presented by the Overport Tamil Welfare Society

We the Undersigned Officials of the Overport Tamil Welfare Society beg to express our grateful thanks to you for affording us this opportunity of submitting....

Memorandum to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

It is the intention of the Committee to submit the following memorandum in the form of the general statement on the conditions prevalent amongst the Indian working classes and to......

Preliminary statement submitted to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

We, the officials of the Natal Indian Congress an organization representing the Indian Community of Natal beg to submit this our preliminary statement on the subject matters of your Enquiry....

Preliminary Memorandum submitted to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

In this, preliminary memorandum submitted to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission, the Communist Party advances certain proposals as a step towards the final solution....

Evidence of the Indian Medical Officer of Natal concerning the general living conditions of the Indian under their care

The Indian Immigration department, considering that their medical officers should be especially qualified to give information required by your commission called a meeting of these officers which decided that after all.....


Memorandum presented by the Stanger and District Branch

Re: Natal Indian Judicial Commission.

We enclose herewith copy of Memorandum presented to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission by our Branch of Congress

Memorandum submitted to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission by the Flood Relief Committee. Ladysmith : Natal

Sir, In submitting our memorandum to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission the FLood Relief Committee advance certain proposals....

Department of Post, Telegraphs, Interior and Public Health

His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased in terms of section two of Act No. 22 of 1936.....

Minutes of Proceedings of Twentieth Public Setting

Your branch has furnished the Commission with a memorandum which we have read. It will not be necessary for you to repeat anything that is contained in that memorandum.....

Commission of Enquiry into matters affecting the Indian population of the Province of Natal

The Commission has come to the conclusion that a situation has arisen in regard to Indian affairs in Natal which renders it desirable that it should present this Interim Report.That situation is described in Chapter II, and the events ,which led up to it are there set out.

NMA - Secretarial Circular

During the past few days Mr E.R.Browne M.P.C. has presented, a five page Memorandum to the Executive Committee of the Province on the subject of Indlan.Penetration in urban areas......

Late Business for the Executive meeting at Maritzburg

VOL 37 File no. 174(14) N 2250

The Local Health Commission is desirous of becoming a member of the Natal Muncipal Association and I shall be glad to receive copies.....


Report (Part VI) of the Transvaal Asiatic Land Tenure Act Commission

1. The following Table gives particulars of the forms received up to and including 1st December, 1935, notifying occupation of proclaimed land by Coloured persons in the Roodepoort-Maraisburg Municipal Area.

Annexure containing summary of the conclusions reached by the Round Table Conference on the Indian question in South Africa.

Scheme af assisted emigration (I) Any Indian of 16 years or over may avail himself of the scheme. In case of a family, the decision of the father will bind the wife and minor children under 16 years...

Delegates of the Government of India

Honourable Khan Bahadur Mian Fazl-i-Husain, K.C.I.E. Member of the Governors-General's Executive Council........

Correspondance bet.Govt of India and Govt of Union of SA on Class Areas bill,Paddisson deputation and the cape Townconf.1925/1927

Telegram from the Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Education, Health and Land, Delhi to the Governor General of the Union of South Africa.....

Report by the Government of India on the Resolution Passed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 6, 1946

Report by the Government of India on the Resolution Passed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 6, 1946

Addendum to the Memorandum on the Position of Indians in the Union of South Africa

Documents Constituting the Pretoria Agreement of 1944

Delegation of India Addendum to the Memorandum on the Position of Indians in the Union of South Africa

Delegation of India
Addendum to the Memorandum on the Position of Indians in the Union of South Africa

Correspondences between General Smuts and Mr Gandhi


Statement from Mrs Pandit. Address before Joint Committee 1 and 6

Statement from Mrs Pandit.

Address before Joint Committee 1 and 6


363 records found.