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Centenary Road_Govt_Aided_Indian_School_1949

Centenary Road_Govt_Aided_Indian_School_1949


Article about the chance of change in South Africa.

Case history in suicide
Can they deliver the goods?
Bulawayo diary
Budget Speech / Trevor A Manuel
Budget 2005-6-7-8-9 newspaper cuttings mixed
Book review
Bone-throwing at Umbilo
Bloedfontein and Geweerfontein
Black Universities in South Africa

The historical background to the development of Black Universities is outlined.

Black empowerment corporations press cuttings
Biography of Moses Mabokela Chikane

Biography of Moses Mabokela Chikane who was born in 1948 August 14 in area of Groblersdaal first of the family of nine, he was detained under section 28 of the internal security act from the 28 August to September and also detained on 23 April 1985 under section 29 of the internal security act Ju

Beyond Local Option: Coercive Co-Option or Democratic Transition?
Beyond Apartheid: Race, Transformation and Governance in KwaZulu-Natal Cricket

In February 1990 South African President FW de Klerk unbanned the African National Congress (ANC), the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the Pan African Congress (PAC), allowing these organisations to return to 'normal'and active politics within the country after an absence of almost three

Beware of Kriel's "new" NP

Pamphlet about safety issues and violence published by the ANC for the 1994 elections.

BEE press cuttings
Basutoland in transition
Bantu Education Act, Act No 47 of 1953

The Act was to provide for the transfer of the adminiustration and control of native education from the several provincial administrations to the Government of the Union of South Africa, and for matters incidental thereto

Background to Transkei Self-Government


545 records found.