Thumbnail Title Description
Pretoria Minute

Minutes of discussions between the South African Government and the African National Congress in Pretoria, 6 August, 1990. Re-committing themselves to the Groote Schuur Minute. Discussed violence and negotiations.

United Democratic Front International Youth Year co-ordinating Committee: brief report to regions

United Democratic Front International Youth Year co-ordinating Committee: brief report to regions.United Democratic Front delivered a blow to the racist Botha's regime grand reform plan, ie the tri-racial parliament and the black local Authorities act

Editorial: De Klerk's First Days
Impressions of Zimbabwe
Editorial: The Group Areas Act
Editorial: Evil and Mad
West Bank Reality
Maputo Revisited
Nigeria Today
Kenya: Favoured Nation or Neo-Colonial Fief?
Editorial: More Persecution
Editorial: Getting "Clean" Government
Editorial: What Hope From The U. P.
Hofmeyer Revalued 1948-1973
Editorial: 'In Defeat, Defiance'
Editorials: Graft
Beyond Local Option: Coercive Co-Option or Democratic Transition?
Editorial: Real Change at Last?
Editorial: Early Days of '78


545 records found.