Thumbnail Title Description
South African Indian Congress Conference held in Durban on the 17th, 18th and 19th September 1948

This Eighteenth session of the South African Indian Congress meets only a few months after the holding of the General.....

Opening Address by Chief Albert J Luthuli, President-General, African National Congress to the 22nd Bennial Conference of the South African Indian Congress meeting at Gandhi Hall.

Once again another biennial conf erence is upon you.....

Report on the Passive Resistant Council


Press Release - 21 October 1956

The keynote of the deliberations at the 22nd Biennial Conference of the South African Indian Congress was the total rejection of apart­heid and all its ramifications.  The Conference, in a resolution de-.....


Press Release

The grim story of oppressive rule over non-whites of successive.......

Press Release

"Since the last conference of our Congress, the Indian people in common vvith the African and coloured peoples, have been subjected to unmitigated oppression on grounds of race and colour.....

Resolution passed at the 22nd Conference of the South African Indian Congress held in Johannesburg – 19th, 20th and 21st October 1956

Apartheid, Freedom Charter, Women in the Struggle, Youth, Group Areas Act, International Situation, Suppression of the Communism Act, Police Intimidation

Letter to Peter Brown from Wolf
Freedom Charter

The Freedom Charter is a unique document in that for the first time ever, the people were actively involved in formulating their own vision of an ...

1958 Break away at Orlando leads to formation of PAC

In November 1958, at the Transvaal provincial congress, some of the more ... they decided to break away, and on 6 April 1959 the PAC was formed. ...

The accused 156 leaders of the Congress Alliance

The accused 156 leaders of the Congress Alliance comprised men & women of every racial group & from every part of the country.

The Freedom Charter formed the basis of the charge when in December 1956, 156 leaders of the Congress Alliance were arrested & charged with high treason.

In 1956, their question was answered when 156 Congress leaders were arrested and put on trial for high treason. The swoop came in the early ...

Letter from Thabo Mokoaledi to Phyllis Naidoo

Revolutionary greetings on this day of the South African Freedom Day.

Letter from Susan to Phyllis Naidoo

How are you? I am sorry for the long delay in getting this letter written, but life has been very busy.

Letter from Rebecca to Phyllis Naidoo

At last I am in Akron, at a typewriter, with free personal time as yet unclaimed; an exceedingly rare combination of factors!

Letter from John to Phyllis Naidoo

The freedom charter will be ready by 7th May.

Discussion Document On How The ANC should Govern: By Ngoako Ramatlhodi

It is now three years since the ANC was elected to govern. Enough time has thus elapsed to allow for a review of how we have coped with the twin challenges of governing and effecting transformation of our country. In this regard, the focus shall be on the ANC and its Allies.

THE FREEDOM CHARTER - Phyllis collection

THE FREEDOM CHARTER - Phyllis collection

26th June, 1986 - Freedom day

letter to a family member. political history

Democracy, socialism, and the future


203 records found.