Thumbnail Title Description
Discuss UNO As A Peace-Keeping Organisation With Special Reference to the Machinery of the UNO

We the people of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow......

Biography - Neil Aggett

THE PEOPLE of South Africa will mourn Dr Neil Aggett by taking his work forward. This was the common message at Neil Aggett's funeral when thousands of people gathered.....


Economics Press Cuttings 1979
Industrial Natal
The group news - Tongaat Hulett group limited - Vol 19, Dec 1986
Natal chamber of industries weekly bulletin no.38 22nd September 1975
Trade and traders press cuttings
Trade and Traders
Phoenix Fair 1988
Food, Authority and Politics: Student Riots in South Africa 1945-1976
Patients in Ward

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Hospital equipment

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Hospital equipment

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Doctors at work

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

St Aidan's Hospital building

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Beds full of babies

New born babies at St Aidan's Hospital

St Aidan's Hospital 1983

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

St Aidan's Hospital - 1983

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

St Aidan's Hospital - 1983

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Hospital notice to visitors - St Aidan's Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital


59 records found.