Thumbnail Title Description
The Ethics of Passive Resistance / Maurice, MS for Indian Opinion, 1908

All truth is safe and nothing else is safe and he who keeps back the truth, or withholds it from men, from motives of expediency, is either a coward or a criminal, or,both.-Max Muller........

STATE OF THE WORLD Emerging Trends and Concerns
Focus in the Government and Administration in the Republic of South Africa
Our Parliament pocket guide
Codes of Ethics against Torture
A labour of love: The Biography of Dr Shishupal Rambharos

It has taken many months to put together this book, largely because Bhai Rambharos has had a long, varied and rich life that reflects so many different interests. It has been an immense task that has raised many difficult questions.

The Position of Indians in South Africa

I speak as an Indian who was born in South Africa. and has lived all his life in a city. Some 95 per cent. of the Indians in the union arc South African-born, and about 70 per cent. of us live in areas classified as urban; so I am not in any way unusual.....


In any education system "no other single factor determines to such an extent the quality of education in a country as the quality of the corps of teachers, lecturers and instructors" (HSRC 1981 : 180).


If one were to drive to Clairwood on a Saturday morning and simply observe the street scenes, one would form a spectrum of impressions. Some people are shopping, others are taking a walk, or talking to friends, family or neighbours....


Looking at morality in society.

The two moralities

In motive and direction, the mental and physical "treks" of our African and White forefathers were opposites.

Theoria: a journal of studies in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences No.45 1975
Theoria: a journal of studies in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences No.14 1960
Apartheid: a crisis of the Christian conscience

The Alfred and Winifred Hoernle Memorial Lecture, 1964, delivered by Denis Hurley under the auspices of the South African Institute of Race Relations examines the Christian ethic and the South African situation

In the Interests of National Morality
Beyond the stethoscope and the syringe
Justice and truth in South Africa?
Morality "must be restored" in transition process
Searching for a liberating ethic
Search for liberating ethics: response to Goba


22 records found.