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Pamphlet about the comparison between responses made to calls for sanctions against Argentina and South Africa. Note that large sections of the text are barely legible

Review: Engine of development: South Africa`s National Economic Forum
Review: A social contract the way forward? A critical evaluation by Bashier Vally
Rethinking economic strategies
Resolutions adopted by the Programme for Social Change

Resolutions adopted by the Programme for Social Change. These resolutions included the gospel and its implication, family life, politics, law and order, social action, and war and peace.

Public servants friendly society SA
Prospects for 1993
Profile of a President: Tubman of Liberia
Post-apartheid South Africa: the macroeconomic perspectives for year one and beyond

Article on economics in post-apartheid South Africa by Vella Pillay, prepared for an ANC seminar on Economic Policy in Harare, Zimbabwe, in April and May 1990. Covers initial macroeconomic and social changes, policy choices and issues of equality and distribution.

Notes of ANC economic seminar

Handwritten notes taken by Jack Simons at an African National Congress economics seminar to discuss the economic situation in South Africa and ANC plans.

National Economic Forum: parallel to CODESA
Natal Administrator opens KLA
Marketing and management co-operation with Asia pacific regions



Market-driven economy "the key to future prosperity"
Management development
Letter from R Craig to S B Ngcobo
Letter from Jen Curtis, Secretary-General, NUSWEL, to Wages and Economics Commission Chairmen

Confidential circular letter from Jen Curtis of the National Union of Students Welfare and Social Activities Department about the aims and goals of the Wages and Economics Commission, the method in which the commission should be structured and the methods of communication that should be employed

Letter from Caltex Oil (S.A.) (Pty) Limited to Butler-Adam
Letter from Bert and Lil to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Bert and Lil to Phyllis Naidoo.


106 records found.