Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Cliff to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Cliff to Phyllis Naidoo.


Durban Light infantry

John Clark Collection

New ambulance wagon for Durban.

Letters between Phyllis Naidoo and Benedicte Ingstad

Letters between Phyllis Naidoo and Benedict

John Clark Collection

Photograph of Benjamin C.C Pine, taken in Durban, 1875

John Clark Collection

Francis Farewell Camp.

John Clark Collection

Ship sailing in the sea, Durban

John Clark Collection

A.C.W Methven sketch of West Street near the City Hall, now the post office. The period is now the 1890s. In the middle ground are the horse-drawn tramcars with their lights sun canopies. On the left is a hitchung rail for it is still the age of the horse.

John Clark Collection

The small steamer Sir Robert Peel, first mail steamship to enter the harbour at Durban. She crossed the bar successfully on the 15th August 1852.

John Clark Collection

The memorial to honour the first 34 settlers of New Germany who landed in Durban on the 28th of March 1848

John Clark Collection

The memorial to honour the first 34 settlers of New Germany who landed in Durban on the 28th of March 1848


Entrance to city hall, Durban. Church st. from market square


Durban Residents.


Durban Residents


Durban Residents


Family Welfare Society. Durban African Child.


Durban Museum and Art Gallery

Gardiner Street

Gardiner street, Durban showing Western corner of Town Gardens, Royal Hotel and Marine Hotel.

"The Bluf ", Durban

"The Bluf ", Durban

John Clark Collection

St Paul's Anglican Church, Durban, where the Byrne settlers and other arrivals worshipped under the Rev. W.H..C. Llyod.


618 records found.